The process for requesting a post-divorce modification begins with filing a motion. This formal written request to the court must include a reason for the modification. If there are additional circumstances that make the modification more appropriate, you should attach documents to support your request. Other court forms may also be required. If you do not include all of the required documentation, the court may throw the motion out. Read on to learn more. If you have a good reason for seeking a post-divorce modification, follow these steps to make your motion.
If your ex-spouses have not held themselves to high standards, you should show that you’re willing to change your support payments, custody schedule, and/or child custody decree. You’ll need to show the court that you’ve tried to resolve any disputes outside of the courtroom. Make sure to document your efforts to resolve the dispute. Avoid going to court to address minor complaints. Your case will be better supported if you show that you’ve tried to improve your situation in a constructive way.
You’re entitled to a post-divorce modification. Your ex-spouse may be struggling financially or have drug or alcohol problems, or he or she may be moving. You might want to change child custody and visitation, or spousal support if your ex-spouse has a new job. A change in income can be just what your ex-spouse needs in order to make ends meet. The court will consider these factors when making a decision.